วันศุกร์ที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The exquisite exercise routine Exploited

Everyone sometimes needs a wee bit of a change. Either it is a new job, car, or wardrobe there is always something that everybody wants to change about themselves. Well it should be no surprise to you that when you work out you have to change them out because if you don't then you will be getting nothing out of it. So it is always good to make sure that you change your workout every week.

So that is why now I have three new exercises that I like to do at the gym rowing, abs, and the stairs.


The first rehearsal that I like to do when I am at the gym is rowing because this is a great cardiovascular rehearsal to get your blood flow in. You first go to the rowing engine than lean over and get the bar then bend your legs and pull on the bar to towards you chest.

This will categorically get your blood circulating throughout your body and you should have no question with breathing. Also this engine is great because while you are pulling you will be feeling the breeze from the fan that is in the engine and it feels so good.

Another rehearsal that I like to do when I go to the gym is abs because there are a bunch of great exercises that you can use to work out your abs. I like the one when you put the weight on then sit in the chair and put your arms on a bar and move your body down towards the ground.

Also the engine when you sit down put your hands on these to bars and then swing your feet from side to side working out you abs that you have on the sides. Working out your abs will make people be like wow you look like you lost so much weight.

One more rehearsal that I like to do when I go to the gym is the stairs because it work out your lower body so good. It works out pretty much all of the muscles that you have in your legs like the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and your butt.

So those are the new exercises that I like to do throughout the week. Also remember that it is always good to change and don't shy away from it because if you do you will never get what you dream of.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The exquisite exercise routine Exploited

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